Unlock Your Unique Visibility Strategy
Insights, Tips, and Tools for Coaches and Healers Using Human Design
simple Human Design
What is the emotional solar plexus authority, when do you use it and how do you use in when running a business?
Dive into the energetics of sleep based on your Human Design type, with a focus on how to wind down and fall asleep in alignment with your design.
Today, we're diving into one of the most transformative aspects of the Human Design system: the undefined centres. The greatest transformations happen when we explore the undefined centres.
Today we’re exploring the profound connection between self-worth and the decisions we make daily, exploring the Human Design authority.
If you're ready to dive into the journey of embodying your Human Design, it's essential to recognise that this process goes far beyond mere intellectual understanding.
A powerful way to bring you back to alignment is through understanding your Human Design profile, particularly focusing on the second number in your profile.
The Incarnation Cross is an essential part of your Human Design chart, providing insight into your life's purpose and the direction you're meant to take when fully aligned with your true self.
In today's fast-paced world, reclaiming our energy is more important than ever, especially for those of us who feel constantly drained. Human Design offers valuable insights that can help you regain your vitality!
undefined centres in Human Design
The undefined Spleen Centre governs survival instincts and wellbeing. This blog explores how to let go of unhealthy attachments and trust your intuition. Learn to face fears that are holding you back and align with your natural instincts for a more grounded sense of wellbeing.
The undefined Root Centre is linked to stress and pressure. In this blog, discover how to release the need to rush and manage stress mindfully. Learn to slow down and trust that things will unfold in their own time, reducing the sense of urgency often felt with this centre.
The undefined Sacral Centre relates to life-force energy and work. This blog guides you on managing energy levels, avoiding burnout, and embracing rest. Learn how to set boundaries around productivity and honour your need for balance, especially in a world focused on constant work.
The undefined Solar Plexus Centre absorbs the emotions of others, often leading to emotional overwhelm. This blog explores how to set emotional boundaries, distinguish between your feelings and others’, and use your empathetic nature as a tool for emotional wisdom and alignment.
The undefined Heart Centre can lead to a constant need to prove your worth. In this blog, discover how to release the pressure to achieve external success and recognise your inherent value. Learn to avoid overcommitting and honour your energy and boundaries for a more fulfilling life.
The undefined G Centre in Human Design influences your sense of identity and direction. This blog offers insights on embracing the fluidity of your identity, learning to trust the process, and allowing life’s journey to guide you without the need for rigid self-definition.
The undefined Throat Centre is linked to communication and self-expression. This blog explores how to speak authentically and manage the pressure to be heard. Learn how to align your voice with the right timing and trust that your words will have power when spoken with intention.
The undefined Ajna Centre in Human Design brings mental flexibility but can create pressure to appear certain. This blog helps you embrace the gift of adaptability, encouraging you to release the need for fixed opinions and enjoy the freedom of open-mindedness in alignment with your true self.
The undefined Head Centre absorbs mental pressure and inspiration from others, often leading to overthinking. This blog explores how to manage mental overwhelm and gain clarity, teaching you to release the need to solve everyone else’s problems and embrace your natural inspiration.
Today, we're diving into one of the most transformative aspects of the Human Design system: the undefined centres. The greatest transformations happen when we explore the undefined centres.
my Personal Experience with Human Design
This journey of alignment with my Human Design has brought me happiness and fulfilment. And while my story may not involve overcoming immense external challenges, I did overcome the biggest obstacle of all—my own conditioning.
I’ve done Human Design readings for very spiritual people and I’ve done them for people who actively say they are not spiritual at all. I explore Human Design from both science and spirituality.
Today’s blog is about the struggle that Human Design Projectors have in corporate environments.
From hustle and burnout to living a life of the aligned Projector; here’s my story of how this entrepreneurial Projector got to where she is today.
When I first discovered human design and I learnt that I was a heretical investigator, I guess I could identify with the investigator especially as I really went down the rabbit hole with investigating human design.
Are you one of the millions of people that are consuming self development content? Here, I outline the lack of individualism in this era.
So why is this a big deal? Corporate conditioning and hyper-masculinity had me thinking for years that I needed to ignore my ebbs and flows as a woman, act like a man and work 10 hours a day to live in the stress of the man’s world.