understanding the Undefined Spleen Centre in Human Design
The undefined Spleen Centre in Human Design governs survival, instincts, and wellbeing. If your Spleen Centre is undefined, you’re highly sensitive to the health, wellbeing, and fears of others. This openness makes you incredibly intuitive, but it can also lead to holding onto things—whether habits, relationships, or fears—that no longer serve you.
Challenges of the Undefined Spleen Centre
People with an undefined Spleen Centre often hold on to unhealthy situations out of fear, uncertainty, or a subconscious feeling that letting go is dangerous. This can manifest as staying in relationships or jobs that don’t serve your highest good, simply because they feel familiar and comfortable.
You may also struggle with recognising when something is unhealthy for you, be it physically, emotionally, or mentally. The undefined Spleen can feel unsafe in the face of change, prompting you to stick with what you know, even if it’s not what’s best for you.
Tips for Alignment:
Trust your intuition: With an undefined Spleen, you have a gift for picking up on subtle energies, but it’s important to learn when something is no longer healthy for you. Honour the instinct to release what’s no longer working.
Let go of the fear: Fear is a key theme with the Spleen Centre. Your challenge is to face your fears and recognise which ones are legitimate and which ones are holding you back. Fear, in your case, is often not based in reality.
An undefined Spleen Centre allows you to deeply connect with the wellbeing of those around you, but it’s crucial to take time to reflect on your own health and safety, both physically and emotionally. By learning to release what doesn’t serve you, you’ll align with your true design and live a life rooted in authentic wellbeing.
Do you have any other centres undefined? Check out my blog posts on the rest of the centres below:
Do you want to discover a language that you can start using today and save yourself from your ego mind?
Get out of your own way, stop living your life through your ego mind and start sharing your magic with the world.
In my mini-course, from Limitations to Liberation, I will teach you the system that I use to help my clients overcome their limitations. Because what you need is:
to trust in yourself
a language that tells you what's going on in your mind
a practical solution to help you, over time, stop getting in your own way
After using Human Design, I now work 50% less than in my corporate marketing job, and earn 3 times more. Because I have learnt how to swim WITH the flow of my design, not against it. I have liberated myself from my myself.