Is Human Design Woo or Do?
When I first discovered Human Design, I was struggling with some spiritual concepts out there because they were just so esoteric and let’s face it, there’s been an age of toxic spirituality recently.
But Human Design, in my opinion, is both for the woo and the non-woo alike. Let’s take a look from both sides.
Spiritual Connection to Source
Human Design was founded by a man called Ra Uru Hu. He downloaded the system from Source over 8 days and he called himself the messenger to deliver Human Design to the world. And deliver he did. Now, more than 320 million people are aware of the concept, although it is unknown how many people use it in their day to day lives.
Although it’s classed as the Science of Differentiation, Human Design brings together some ancient modalities like Western Astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Hindu Chakra system and the Kabbalah tree of life. These systems are often classified as pseudo-sciences and new age spirituality.
The Science Behind Human Design
The fundamental aspect of the system is based on neutrinos. Every second, 100 trillion neutrinos pass through our bodies and the Human Design system is based on where everything was in the universe when your body was separated from your mother’s.
So at your moment of birth, you are imprinted by the information carried by the neutrino stream via the planets. This information provides us with the knowledge to understand our nature, potential and form of interaction. (source: Jovian Archive).
Let’s talk about practicality
All this information is very interesting, but how does this actually pertain to our every day lives? That’s where the layers of the Human Design system come in. As an analyser of the Human Design chart (or reader as we call ourselves), I can show you the practical steps and actions you can take in your day to day life to achieve ease and happiness.
Things like:
How to make decisions
What kind of environment is best to work in
What kind of environment is best to eat in for optimal digestion
How your energy works
How to become consciously aware of what you are taking in from others and what your ego mind is saying that’s holding you back
I can also help you understand things like what your soul chose to do in your physical body and what your life’s purpose is, which would be more of an esoteric understanding of your true self.
So is Human Design Woo or Do?
My answer is that it’s both. I have done readings for people who consider themselves non-spiritual, as well as those who have always been on a spiritual path. I can adjust my language for each person as my mission is to help them understand themselves fully.
Upon using the Human Design system, that’s up to you to decide how much woo you want in your life.
There’s elements of my chart that pertain to practicality and logic, but I am also a very spiritual person, so use HD in both way; for the woo and the do.